Dinner Plain

Dinner Plain Hotel
Big Muster Drive
+61-3-5159 6462
Large pizzas $19, other mains $20-$35

Relaxed pub with decent food, although it takes a while to arrive.

Crystal Creek Restaurant
Big Muster Drive
Mains $25-$35
Opposite Brandy Creek

Crystal Creek Resort has a beautiful restaurant serving some of the loveliest food available in Dinner Plain. Don't let your whole table order the prawns, they tend to run out. Vegetarians are not especially well provided for, although there may be one vegetarian dish. Phone bookings are essential.

Brandy Creek Cafe and Licenced Supermarket
1901 Big Muster Drive
Breakfast and lunch $7-$15

Brandy Creek is one of the cheaper places to eat in Dinner Plain. It serves simple pies and toasted focaccias.